Weekly Reader Global Warming E-Issue Launches
Mon, Apr. 26 2010
Did you know Antarctica is classified as a desert because it receives less than 10 inches of precipitation in a year?
Weekly Reader Month continues as we launch "A Matter of Degrees," an electronic issue of the Weekly Reader Current Science magazine. Designed as a teaching aid, it illustrates the history, causes and impact of global warming - and what we can do about it.
The horizontal-scrolling Flash website we built featuring our custom Content Management System allows Weekly Reader editors complete control over almost all the content on the site. This was invaluable to both Artgig and Weekly Reader – we didn’t have to make all the small changes, and they could perfect to their heart’s content. Especially since there isn’t just one editor in the WR newsroom; there are many, ranging from science to pedagogical specialists, along with art directors and project managers from all departments.
The media-rich site features images, videos and interactive animations to demonstrate concepts, and the text instruction is multi-leveled; as much or as little info as you require.
Section quizzes reinforce learning along with a Sci-Triv game.
Go on try it – are you smarter than a fifth grader?
Global Warming E-Issue