Artgig Apps Shaking Up Halloween
Thu, Oct. 20 2011
Really happy to report we went Gold today on iOS build 14.
" iOS build 14" you ask, leaning in a bit closer.
I meet your gaze head-on. "If I tell you, I'll have to kill you."
I do not blink.
You slowly retreat.
End of conversation.
Well, maybe I can tell you a little something, but we are sworn to secrecy on this so forgive me for being so cloak and dagger.
iOS build 14 is a Universal iPad/iPhone Educational app we've been working on for a client.
The app serves up over 1,600 lessons, featuring over 2,000 videos in English & Spanish - all available via IAP's (that's In-App Purchases with your decoder ring).
And yes, it's good to be Gold!
But we also have a soft spot for the orange and black.
Did I ever tell you how much we like Halloween?
To celebrate, we're shaking up some Monsters in our own Shake-a-Phrase app, all month over on the Artgig Apps Facebook page so check it out and show some love by liking us!
And the gang has conjured up some creepy Shake-a-Phrase logos to decorate so we'll be sticking them wherever we can find a clean, dry surface.
And we'll be making a special announcement later this month about a new app we've got brewing...
Lots to do as the witching hour draws near.
Stay tuned and if you ever kill a monster don't turn your back unless you're sure it's really dead.
Stay Gold.